Time to Think Beyond...
In the midst of this crisis and with individuals being forced into ‘self-isolation’ the need for community has become even clearer.
In business and in life we can be assured that we will face challenging situations and it is precisely these times when we need to be in community with others.
Belfast Chamber of Commerce's 'BelFast Forward' conference felt like it took place in another decade as the passion and hope it created has been replaced by chaos and fear.
The reality of businesses failing and employees being made redundant is heartbreaking and our hearts go out to anyone who is struggling due to the negative consequences of the Corona Virus.
However, the need for us to hold fast to the vision of unlocking Belfast’s potential in becoming a world-class city is more important today than it was 3 weeks ago. It is by living out our values in being a city that looks out for each other in the hard times that we will come through this stronger, ready for the next chapter.
This crisis has given Cornerstone some real food for thought in designing ‘community’ into the architecture of the buildings it creates as well as through its CommunityLife programme, which is designed to get residents connecting with each other and with their neighbourhood.
Strong communities bring meaning and joy in the good times but also bring resilience to help us deal with the trials that life will throw at us.
We will share more about CommunityLife in due course, but for now lets stand together, support each other and show the world that Belfast has a business community that has resilience.